mercredi 2 avril 2014

The True Fountain Of Youth

The True Fountain Of Youth

Expert Author Jimmy Guevara
They say about people past their prime that the phrase 'you can't teach old dogs new tricks' seem to apply to them. Every new technology seems to be so difficult for older people to learn and enjoy. They feel that these new technological gadgets like email, the internet, cell phone, etc, make life too complicated, they would rather keep things simple by doing what they are already familiar with. To a certain extent, there is no need to further complicate one's life when what they are comfortable with things that still serve their practical needs. However, if you want to stay competitive in the workforce, you will need to adapt to the present times. Very few people past their prime succeed in keeping fit - not just physically, but mentally. How so?
First, take a look at the young. They're naturally curious, adventurous, and they have very few things to worry or to be afraid about. That is why they are reckless. In a sense, they are building a past for they, at that human stage of development, have none. And, because they have no past to reminisce, then their whole attention is towards the present. Today and tomorrow, two time segments have no clear demarcation. Certainly, the young know fear; but their curiosity and adventurism gets the better of them. This is why they learn new things, more confidently. Without their knowing, their motto is 'Where there is a will, there is a way'. It's no wonder that Nike's "Just do it" resonates with the young and the bold. But the young lack wisdom and do silly things. That is not their excuse. It is a fact of being young.
The ones past their prime have a long past. It's the familiar faces, streets, people, certain ways of behaving, the same objects of fear, and pleasure - that make up their comfort zone.. All are stored in their past, in their memory. And, even if they are still afraid of certain things that occasionally make their entrance in the present, the old are comforted by the fact that they familiar with what they're afraid of. It's the unknown, the unfamiliar that they are most afraid of. That is why they stay away from anything new and unfamiliar, different and strange. "You can't teach old dogs new tricks' would seem to capture the general attitude of the old.
Yet, it's those over 40 (or, 45) and older who have a lot to gain. They have a repertoire of knowledge, of wisdom (sometimes), and if they remember how they have learned when they were young, then they would, should know better that there is really, really nothing to be afraid of. From their experiences, they have learned from trials and tribulations. And, what they should have realized was that they survived, and at times, triumph. But because of fear, they stuck to it and forgot that they had actually survived and lived to tell the stories. They should have acknowledge the fact that because of fear, or rather despite of fear, they survived and lived to tell their stories. To spell it out: they remembered much of what they fear that they have overlooked the pleasure of accomplishment. It was their choice, and unfortunately, many, belonging to that age group, have chosen to stick to what is familiar: places, people, ways of behaving, ways of thinking. They could have learned new things about present reality; yet they had chosen to believe that they're way too old for that. It's thinking old that prevents one from thinking new.
True, there are more physical limitations as one ages; but that does not mean you're an old dog. True, there is less brain power; but that should not stop anyone from learning about how he had learned when he was young so as to learn anew. Really, when one is already old (-er), what is there to lose?
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Infinity Is a Prime Number - Care to Discuss?

Infinity Is a Prime Number - Care to Discuss?

Expert Author Lance Winslow
The other day I was discussing with a fellow mathematician whether or not infinity was a prime number, and we were also discussing the Fibonacci sequences. In the Fibonacci sequences as you get higher in numbers, the spaces between the Fibonacci numbers become farther and further apart. So if you were to get to infinity, and granted you could never get there, but if you could you'd realize that it isn't divisible by anything. How far back would you have to go to find a Fibonacci number?
This turns out to be a very interesting question, and answer would be; quite a long way, but we can't know the answer. Is there a point at which we could know the answer? Some mathematicians would submit that there is, but I'd hold my opinion until I saw the proof.
Is infinity a prime number?
This was another question we asked ourselves, and remember much of this is philosophy and not only mathematics. So let's look at the definition of a prime number;
"A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is called a compound number. For example, 5 is prime because only 1 and 5 divide it, whereas 6 is composite because it has the divisors 2 and 3 in addition to 1 and 6,"
Source: WikiPedia.
If we look at this strict definition, one could say that infinity can only be a prime number. However let's say in the case of the concept of the universe as "ever expanding" that as it expands it would be a prime more often, but not always. Does that make sense? If you knew the speed at which your set consisting of infinity was expanding, you could determine what percentage of the time infinity was a prime, because you know the rate of change.
Still, the only time it might not be a prime number would be "in the past" at a point in which you had measured it, that point in time and that number of course no longer exist even as you are rapidly calculating the answer, you see that point? If you can know one of these past so-called points in time, then we can write a proof showing that perhaps at that point infinity was or wasn't a prime number, but if you can prove it wasn't there is a good chance it was.
Now then, we also often subtract sets from infinity, and measure the rate of change of those sets, it stands to reason that we can come to some sort of probability and proximity of when the infinity is a prime, and how often it changes from a prime to a non-prime number based on this logic.
There is another counter argument that says that infinity can never be a prime number because infinity can never be known, and infinity cannot be static measurement, because it would be all that is, thus it could not be infinity. Still, if infinity is all there is, it could also be known as "one" with everything, and of course we know that one is indeed a prime.
If infinity is larger than any number you can come up with, then how can you divide it by any other number, because it would always be larger than whatever you came up with after working your equation.
Nevertheless, it stands to reason that infinity has to be a prime, and that it cannot be anything else. This completely throws a loop in what humans are often taught when considering the concept of infinity, even though it is a leap of faith to mentally understand the full extent of the concept. Indeed, I hope you too have enjoyed a little extra mathematical and philosophical stimulus today. Please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on the Future of Education. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;
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Experience of Deep Sadness

Experience of Deep Sadness

Expert Author Nirman Pradhan
The life of a human being is the journey of happiness and sadness. Some people learn from their experience of deep sadness whereas some people will just sit back and complain about their life and situation. An individual should never complain about their life and situation because after facing these tough situations in their life, it can convert them into a real strong and wise individual. These are some of the key things which can be learnt from the experience of deep sadness.
True value of happiness
The first thing which can be understood from the experience of deep sadness is about the real value of happiness. The person who has never had the experience of deep sadness will find it difficult to understand the real value of happiness. Some people have the habit of complaining about the small things which results in their sadness but they don't really appreciate the moments which had made them happy in the past. An individual who has experienced the feeling of deep sadness will have the feeling of gratitude for the happy moments in their life.
The second thing which can be understood from the experience of deep sadness is about the impact of negative emotions on your mind. Emotions can be broadly categorized into positive and negative emotions. Positive emotions have the positive impact on your mind whereas the negative emotions have a negative impact on your mind. There are different kinds of negative emotions like anger, misery which have different kinds of negative impacts which can be understood from the experience of deep sadness.
Handling difficult situations
Each and every person faces difficult situations in their life which results in the flow of negative energy in your body. It is a difficult task to handle the difficult situations because negative feelings will not allow you to think in a proper way to solve the problems in your life. The process of handling a difficult situation requires patience and courage, but when you have faced many difficult situations earlier in your life, you can handle these kinds of situations with your experience.
Wise people are the ones who can handle different kinds of tough situations in their life with their wisdom. Wise people have an understanding of different kinds of situations with their positive and negative impacts which helps them to take a good decision in a tough situation helping them to solve the problem. An individual who has gone through many tough situations in their life have the experience and knowledge of different kinds of situations which makes them a wise individual.
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Experience Is A Product Of Reason

Experience Is A Product Of Reason

Expert Author HemRaj Singh
The contours of one's understanding are determined and limited only by the boundaries of reason and experience. But I believe that is already too well known to be commented or elaborated upon. However, I often myself wondering as to whether experience is fashioned by reason or reason is honed and sharpened by experience, and I have so far not been able to find a satisfactory solution to the problem. I don't see a reason to deny the possibility of reason and experience influencing each other. To accept and proclaim that reason and experience complement each other and work together to build the individual and collective repository of human wisdom would not only be too easy and too hasty a conclusion to draw, but would also be insincere and flippant. After all, without investigating as to how far does reason inform the experience and how far does experience influence reason, drawing a blanket conclusion that they are complementary to each other is nothing short of an attempt to sidestep the real issues on account of intellectual lethargy.
When we meet the first light of the world after birth, we have no experience of the world at all. How do we understand the world then? What are the tools that we have working for us? Experience without comprehension is barren and is incapable of producing any results at all. So, what makes us capable of understanding the world in the first place? Yes, there is not understanding right from the start. But the ability to understand is certainly present. And the capacity to comprehend one's surroundings and circumstances is not unique to human beings. Animals have much the same ability to understand the surroundings and draw primary inferences without which they just cannot survive a day in the wild. So, reason as the basic ability to think, analyze and draw inferences is present in all living being because it is an existential requirement.
Reason alone is not enough because, all said and done, it is only an ability to draw conclusions. It's only a tool, and, like any other tool, it is just as good as the skills of the user to put it to optimum use. Experience is required for one to be able to understand how to use this skill to the fullest. So, experience is the rock that sharpens the tool of reason. However, without reason experience has no meaning because it is the reason and reason alone that accords meaning to experience, which is why a man and a dog placed in the same circumstances can draw divergent conclusions and react very differently. Without reason experience is nothing but a series or bunch of sensory inputs initiated by external stimuli. After all, what is experience without understanding? Therefore, reason is not only the primary requirement for all knowledge to exist, but is also the prerequisite for 'experience' itself.
HemRaj Singh is a lawyer and a Legal Editor with one of India's most reputed law publishing companies, and is based in New Delhi (India). Blog:
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Happiness, How To Find It, And Where To Find It

Happiness, How To Find It, And Where To Find It

Expert Author Ranbir Chakraborty
To start with, one ought to know and analyze the depth of the word 'happiness'. Happiness in terms of science is a state of mind where a person finds the universal environment to be soothing to him or her. Nevertheless, this scientific definition is not enough for a term like this. Happiness is the sole thing that is responsible for all the strife of a human life. Happiness, though aspired by all the individuals, is attained by a few. Such a rare thing this happiness is, yet it lies among our clutches. We live and strive to be happy but we do not happily strive. We believe it to be a treasure, yet it cannot be measured with all the wealth assimilated. Happiness is such a difficult term that it cannot be understood fully. Yet if you do not understand it fully you will not be able to attain it. Once you attain you will be complacent and perhaps lose it. You lose it and you will again strive to attain it. Happiness comes within the heart, perhaps it is said that because of the light-hearted feeling one feels as he or she gains happiness due to some action of them or others. However, developing a being happy attitude will require you to focus your mind on the factors of your life that is going to make you happy. Because whatever we do, whatever we want to be, whatever we want to achieve, is just because we believe by doing, or wanting, or achieving that thing, we will be happy. Let us study the following story that may draw some light on how to find happiness.
Once upon a time in a land far away, there lived a Prince in the most comfortable home known to most people. He had the perfect life, the life everyone dreams. The finest clothes, the finest foods, all the comforts, care, and all the luxuries one can spare. The best doctors across the land attended his ailments, the best tailors sewed his suits, from the best farms came his vegetables, the best company of friends along with the best entertainment to keep him merry. Still from his own perspectives, the Prince found out that being merry or happy was the strangest thing to him. If he wanted to believe he was happy and all the other royals are too, then why the wars? Why is this tyranny on the poor? Why are all the feminine royal eyes always wet? Moreover, why does he not feel like he is happy to be precise? These questions stormed his mind from time to time, and making him determined to find his answers.
On his 21st birthday, there was a grand celebration at the royal castle. Taking the advantage of the bustling crowd in front of the castle gate, their beloved Prince had given them the slip. Once out of the castle the prince went straight to the stable, took his horse and went off in search of the happiness he was seeking. Although he did not know where to go, he decided that he would go to an inn and rest for the night, and after that, he would pursue on his quest. On the way he traded his princely vestments for simple robes and simple food gave his jewels to the poor folks in return he received their blessings and wishes, he felt light hearted and happy for the first time, and sensed the happiness in giving. Finally, he went back to the inn and slept in the hard bed at the inn. Though not accustomed to this he felt peace for the first time. For the first time he felt that achieving something purposefully desired gave him happiness.
Later, on his journey he came across a jocund company of travellers. They were coming from different parts of the country, as well as from other countries. One was young and one was old, one was timid and one was bold, one was short and one was tall, but despite their differences, they always gave a hand if the other took a fall. When asked why they care for one another they answered they were friends. When asked why they were so merry they answered because they are all together in their journey of life. When asked why they were always so happy they answered that they are having everything a person needs to be happy. This confused the prince, why be this vagabonds wearing rough clothes, eating rough bread, drinking cheap ale and sleeping on the cold and hard ground happy? This has to be the silliest joke he had ever heard: so he laughed, and watching him laugh, the others started to laugh. He asked them why they were laughing they answered that they were laughing as because he was laughing, and they thought that they had made him happy. The prince developed this fact that being with the persons or friends one really wants to be, fills the mind with a sense of happiness. Doing something meaningful for a person also brings happiness in our minds.
As he moved along on his quest for happiness, he roamed through the outlining villages where he found the air bereft of dust, smoke and other pollutants very refreshing indeed, as if Mother Nature was spreading her arms to embrace him. Although he was alone he did not feel lonely, he felt as if the wind was whispering him tales of old, that remained untold, of kings and their swords, and the pirates and their gold's. Where the lovers sang, and when the church's bells rang. The prince felt he was relieved of the worries of the world as he discovered that there is no reason to be worried of as Mother Nature takes care of those who are weary in their lives and need a break. The break he got was enough to refresh his mind and make him move along his journey. Here the prince developed that air factors a lot in our minds, if the air we breathe is fresh, it re-energizes our mind and body. The body feels better and the mind feels rejuvenated. Fresh air makes our mind free from the worries and tensions of our life for the time being and makes us feel light-hearted. When nature calls, even a pessimistic person will not be able to hold on to his or her pessimism.
His journeys brought him to a small village, where there were no inns or pubs to stay. However, our prince found a very kind and helpful family who were ready to shelter him for a few days. Here the prince found that although these folks were poor still they were happy when asked they said that they were living together sharing their foods, drinks, joys and sorrows like a family. They love their wives, respect their elders, and care for their young ones. These basic feelings are required to stick together in the pathos of life and make a family. It is not important how big the family is, it is important that the persons comprising the family are having love, respect, affection, and care to have make out a family. The prince here developed the very necessity of family, to be happy.
In this village, the food he found was cooked simply. The usual recipes he usually enjoyed at his home had a simpler edition over here. The food was easily digestible, which made him eat to his heart's content. In addition, its preparation was mostly natural and without the added preservatives, which made it taste even better. The prince found that in order to be happy, eating the proper and especially simple foods is good to maintain sound health, sound health makes a sound mind, and happiness always comes from sound mind. Before taking his leave from people of that happy village, the prince asked his last query that how these people were happy and never scared of anything and never feared anyone or anything? The answer was that these people believed in five core values of life that led to happiness. In addition, these core values were honesty, integrity, trust, self-awareness and positive energy. The people of that village worked honestly and never cheated or lied in their businesses and work. They had powerful integrity in them, and a powerful integrity is to do what one thinks and does what he/she says. Their integrity was strong since they were honest and had a solid foundation of mutual trust. They were aware about their motives, feelings and desires which keeps them from the sudden upsurges in the composure of their mind. Plus the presence of every possible positive energy in their minds and hearts made them hold onto these values even in the times of hardships.
These answers were enough for the prince and he bade his goodbye to the village folk and rode off for his home. Having found the answers to his questions regarding how to be happy, he was feeling happy and satisfied. His heart was light enough to keep his strength until he reached his destination. While the members of the royal family rejoiced at the return of their prince, the prince heart rejoiced in having found the secret to true happiness.
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Life And Its Beautiful Stages

Life And Its Beautiful Stages

Expert Author Simerjeet Grewal
Life is a beautiful journey. So all of us should continue it gracefully. It is a precious gift of God given to us. We all should feel lucky enough to get it. There are many stages of life and each has its own charm. From infancy to old age, all stages are inter-linked. One becomes the foundation for the other. Infancy and childhood-- both are full of innocence. A child finds happiness even in very common and simple things. Playing is the biggest hobby of all children of all societies. A child has its own world of dreams and imagination, having a tender heart which cannot tolerate toughness and harshness.
Then comes adulthood where maturity starts. With maturity, sense of understanding also comes. Now the same child becomes a grown up who starts taking responsibilities. Here is a lot of zeal, vigor and energy. This is a crucial period of life where one has to walk carefully avoiding the wrong paths of life. Here self control is too much needed so that one can save oneself from the vicious cycle of vice. So we all should pay attention towards this stage because whole life can be spoiled if we are misguided at this point. We should be careful in choosing our career options to maximize our potential and energy. This stage of life brings the essence of life. We can do each and everything during this period. We can do a lot of efforts to improve our selves-- our society--our nation as well as the world.
After this, the coming of old age is sure in a gradual manner. Day by day, we start feeling feeble. Our senses feel lack of energy. But we should not feel sad rather accept this stage in the same way. Do not feel distressed. Keep yourself busy in simple and small things which are not difficult for you. Sometimes old age is compared to the childhood as an old person needs the same protection, care and affection which is needed for a child. So we all should pay respect to our parents as well as grand-parents whose love and care have made us able to grow up.
Thus we see that each stage gives us a lesson to learn. Childhood teaches us how to enjoy and how to get happiness in small things. Adulthood teaches us how to make the life best and how to live in the society in a better way. Old age teaches us how to remember the Almighty who has sent us in this world. In childhood, one is busy in playing. In adulthood, one is busy in responsibilities. But during old age, one is free from domestic responsibilities to a large extent and can find time to pray before Him. So no stage is useless. Each has meaning of its own that is different from the other.
Life is a beautiful journey which has many phases like infancy, childhood, adulthood and old age. Each phase has its own combining the all stages, it becomes a complete life. We should enjoy each phase beautifully.
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How to Apply Good Advice

How to Apply Good Advice

Expert Author Joshua Clayton
This will be a very basic and swiftly read article. Think about this fact, some of the best advice in life is discarded hastily, while bad, but good sounding advice is followed to the letter. We need to analyze all actions and advice before we take them, as well as use purely intuitive faculties of mind. This balanced approach may not seem like the best way to consistently live to some, and too cumbersome at times, but, this is the best way to deal with problems there is. Indeed, the success rate with this approach if done correctly is high. For, when balancing reason with intuition, you have combined the main thinking tools of the mind and feeling tools of the heart.
Think and feel about anything in a genuine way and sense, and you have made a good start toward judging its effectiveness or benefit for you. For intuition and thought are judging tools, not just something we think or feel about randomly.
The best advice I can give in this article is: Trust your feelings, but temper those feelings with your best judgment. Of course the limit to this advice is that you can judge for yourself, but never for other people. All you can do is suggest what you would do at best to them, but morally, even if the advice is good, the issue cannot be forced.
When I think of the genuine nature of power and judgment, the best of us can only judge for ourselves and nobody else. In my reality, only the worst of us are arrogant enough to want to have "the power of life and death" or to "rule like kings" over others. We have to start by thinking for ourselves, and taking rational actions tempered with intuitive thinking and action.
What comes from the unconscious can be the most powerful reality revealer there is, but, overconfident feelings are overconfident feelings and those are imbalanced and unhealthy, too. Overconfidence without reason is a total disaster like a person walking off a very high cliff without anything to save their lives and a blindfold on with total confidence that they will survive.
To end this article, I can only say think as well as feel when you judge for yourself. That is the most powerful thing you can do for your life and existence. After all, life is our choices, and reality is what we make it through our choices. Existence is, but what we do with existence is our choice. Do your best always. That is how to apply good advice.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.
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