mercredi 2 avril 2014

How to Apply Good Advice

How to Apply Good Advice

Expert Author Joshua Clayton
This will be a very basic and swiftly read article. Think about this fact, some of the best advice in life is discarded hastily, while bad, but good sounding advice is followed to the letter. We need to analyze all actions and advice before we take them, as well as use purely intuitive faculties of mind. This balanced approach may not seem like the best way to consistently live to some, and too cumbersome at times, but, this is the best way to deal with problems there is. Indeed, the success rate with this approach if done correctly is high. For, when balancing reason with intuition, you have combined the main thinking tools of the mind and feeling tools of the heart.
Think and feel about anything in a genuine way and sense, and you have made a good start toward judging its effectiveness or benefit for you. For intuition and thought are judging tools, not just something we think or feel about randomly.
The best advice I can give in this article is: Trust your feelings, but temper those feelings with your best judgment. Of course the limit to this advice is that you can judge for yourself, but never for other people. All you can do is suggest what you would do at best to them, but morally, even if the advice is good, the issue cannot be forced.
When I think of the genuine nature of power and judgment, the best of us can only judge for ourselves and nobody else. In my reality, only the worst of us are arrogant enough to want to have "the power of life and death" or to "rule like kings" over others. We have to start by thinking for ourselves, and taking rational actions tempered with intuitive thinking and action.
What comes from the unconscious can be the most powerful reality revealer there is, but, overconfident feelings are overconfident feelings and those are imbalanced and unhealthy, too. Overconfidence without reason is a total disaster like a person walking off a very high cliff without anything to save their lives and a blindfold on with total confidence that they will survive.
To end this article, I can only say think as well as feel when you judge for yourself. That is the most powerful thing you can do for your life and existence. After all, life is our choices, and reality is what we make it through our choices. Existence is, but what we do with existence is our choice. Do your best always. That is how to apply good advice.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.
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